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Honors Program: Home

A guide to help you learn more about the Honors Program at Fisk University!


Welcome honors students! This LibGuide is built to give Fisk students an overview of the W.E.B. Du Bois Honors Program.  The honors program is designed for students who have demonstrated academic capability and who foster excellence in scholarship throughout the student’s college career by encouraging and promoting honors studies and activities in the total life of the University. 

The program gives concrete expression to the conviction that academic excellence is the hallmark of the institution’s educational enterprise.  


To remain in the honors program you must:

  • Maintain a GPA of 3.5 or higher
  • Attend campus events, including honors convocation, and complete community service hours each semester
  • Complete a survey at the end of each semester
  • Complete at least one of the honors program graduation requirements each academic year

Students who do not meet these requirements will be placed on a one-semester probation. If the requirements are not met within that period, the student will be removed from the honors program.

To complete the honors program you must:

  1. Complete either CORE 100-H (Honors New Student Orientation) or HON 111 (Introduction to the Honors Program)
  2. Take at least one honors seminar at Fisk (counts towards the CORE curriculum)
  3. At least one of the following:
      • Study abroad
      • Complete a summer internship (approved by the honors director)
      • Complete a summer research experience, at a university other than Fisk (approved by the honors director)
      • Complete a substantial, individually-driven community service project (approved by the honors director)
      • Take an additional Fisk honors seminar, or an honors seminar at Vanderbilt
  4. Apply for at least one prestigious fellowship, selected from the list of the honors program website or approved by the director of the honors program
  5. Complete a senior honors project, consisting of at least four credits (two semesters) of independent study. At least two credits must be completed by the end of junior year

Learn More!

The Program's Namesake


W.E.B. Du Bois

Learn more about the fascinating life of this scholar, activist and Fisk alum here.

Why YOU Should Join the Honors Program

Students who complete all requirements of the honors program graduate with “General University Honors,” a designation that is listed in the commencement program and that indicates exceptional scholastic performance marked by individual initiative, creative ability, keen intellectual insight, and excellence in oral and written expression.

 In addition to this recognition, benefits to students in the honors program include:

  • 24-hour access to the honors building, including a computer lab, a kitchen, and a quiet study space
  • An honors residence hall
  • Early registration (honors students can register for classes before the regular registration period opens)
  • An “Honors Student of the Month” featured on the Fisk website
  • Honors sections of CORE courses
  • Honors program apparel
  • Coaching and competitiveness to apply for prestigious scholarships 

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Want More Info?

Dr. La Tanya L. Rogers 
Associate Professor of Literature & Drama

and Director of the W. E. B.

Du Bois Honors Program
The Honors Building

Need Help? Email Me!

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DeLisa Harris
John Hope and Aurelia E. Franklin Library
1st floor
Library Administration
Assistant Librarian office