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Government Documents at Fisk University

The Fisk University John Hope and Aurelia E. Franklin Library is a depository library for publications of the United States Government. As such, the library's mission includes providing local, free access to information form the Federal government in an impartial environment. This results in the free and uninhibited access to selected materials from lists of subjects provided by the Government Publishing Office. With this new age of electornic access amid the COVID-19 crisis, the Fisk Library seeks assure unfettered access to materials. This LibGuide seeks to extend that access.

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Government Documents at Fisk University

The Fisk University John Hope and Aurelia E. Franklin Library is a depository library for publications of the United States Government. As such, the library's mission includes providing local, free access to information form the Federal government in an impartial environment. This results in the free and uninhibited access to selected materials from lists of subjects provided by the Government Publishing Office. With this new age of electornic access amid the COVID-19 crisis, the Fisk Library seeks assure unfettered access to materials. This LibGuide seeks to extend that access.