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Franklin Library Special Collections and Archives : Julius Rosenwald Fund Archives

Accessing the Franklin Library's Special Collections and Archives



Rosenwald Fellow


Lawrence Reddick, Fisk Graduate, Historian and Professor (1910-1995)

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About the Collection

The archives of the Julius Rosenwald Fund contain approximately 150,000 items, the bulk of which reflect activities of the Fund during the 1928-48 period. The Julius Rosenwald Fund was incorporatporated in Chicago on October 30, 1917, as a non-profit corporation having as its purpose the promotion of the "well-being of mankind." The fund from 1917 to 1928 remained largely under the personal control of the founder Julius Rosenwald (1862-1932). Mr. Rosenwald became president of Sears, Roebuck and Co. in 1909.  Almost immediately he initiated a program of personal beneficence.  His contributions knew no restrictions of race, creed, or color.  Rosenwald first met Booker T. Washington in 1911, and from that moment until 1948, Negro interests realized the foremost benefits of Rosenwald Philanthropy.


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